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Congratulations on completing Year 1 of the Acumen Fellows Programme! The Acumen Fellowship is designed to improve your capacity to deliver lasting change on issues of poverty and injustice.

We want to better understand your leadership development journey and how the Fellowship has helped you grow your impact.

Closing Seminar
  • Use this opportunity to make sense of the last few months by reflecting on your leadership journey.
  • Continue to deepen your relationship with your cohort, by providing and receiving feedback and support from other Fellows.
  • Begin to move towards your post-Fellowship experience, by discussing and articulating shared cohort goals and norms (planning and self-organising going into the Foundry).

Your Fellowship Experience

Moral Leadership Scorecard As you know, Acumen Academy strives to create learning spaces to develop, practice, and apply 12 practices of moral leadership. These 12 practices serve as the foundation of our work and of the learning products and programmes we develop.

Principle Buckets

To support you in creating a more just, inclusive, and sustainable world, the Fellows Programme will introduce you to skills and tools grounded in the practices of moral leadership. The following questions are based on the practices of moral leadership, and ask you to reflect on your own leadership journey. 

7. For each moral leadership skill, please select the statement from 1-4 below that aligns most closely with where you stand today.





Reflections on the Fellowship curriculum:

10. a) Please select the option that most closely reflects your comfort with the content of the Fellowship.

If you didn’t cover a piece of content please select N/A.
I don't understand this framework I understand this framework at least partially I feel confident applying this framework I feel confident teaching this framework to others Not applicable/We didn't cover this
10. b) We want to know whether these frameworks and tools have impacted your leadership development. Please select the best option against each statement below.
Polarities Management
A decision-making methodology that empowers leaders to embrace competing goals & navigate tensions between them.

Authentic Voice
Also known as “storytelling”, an approach that focuses on the translation of the speaker’s values into the audience’s actions

Adaptive Leadership
A framework to help leaders embrace and lead change, particularly during times of uncertainty

Good Society Readings
Group discussions based on classical and contemporary texts that explore the meaning, values and trade-offs in building a just society

Immunity to Change
A framework to challenge hidden assumptions that may be standing in the way of meaningful change.

Power + Perspectives
A conversation about Power, Identity and Holding Multiple Perspectives as we lead change.

Systems Thinking
Tools and processes that help leaders navigate problems in complex environments and create large-scale social change.

Impact Assessment

15. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Agree Disagree

Cohort and Community
16. Over the past 1 year, how often have you turned to a member of your cohort or the Acumen Academy Community for the following?
Never 1-2 times 3-4 times 5+ times 10+ times

18. Think about the people you've met from the beginning of your Fellowship (including your cohort-mates) and participating in Acumen Academy, how many new connections have you made within the community? Think of a "connection" as someone you had had an interaction with and would feel comfortable directly reaching out to over email, Slack, Whatsapp, phone, etc.