West Africa Recommendation Form

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We are excited to kick-off recruitment for the West Africa Fellows 2023 cohort with you!  We have found that there is no better way to strengthen and grow this community than leveraging our collective networks and understanding of the Acumen Fellowship. We appreciate your time and commitment in building this community. 

Applications for the 2023 West Africa Fellows program open 1 June 2022. Over the coming months, we are going on a quest to find, connect, and empower a new cohort of Fellows who are solving the biggest problems in their communities. Fellows come from all walks of life - and are selected from across sector, place, and background. This year, we want this opportunity to reach candidates who have not been privileged to access foreign education, multiple grants, award recognition, and little or no exposure to any international organizations. 

Generally, Fellows are individuals who fall within the listed archetypes below:

  1. Social Entrepreneur - entrepreneurs working in for-profit or nonprofit social enterprises
  2. Intrapreneur - individuals building initiatives within an existing organization 
  3. Organizational Builder - individuals helping to shape their organization to make the vision and mission a reality.
To officially recommend a candidate for the Fellowship, please complete this brief survey telling us why you think they would be right for the program. 

Recommended candidates must complete Stage 1 of the selection process (the online application), but they will be given priority screening. Please note that while we encourage you to spread the word far and wide, we ask that you use this form to only recommend your top 1-3 candidates.  

Please keep in mind our minimum criteria for application when recommending - candidates must be: 
  • Working full-time in poverty/injustice alleviation
  • Deeply committed to West Africa 
  • Individuals who either started their own organization or are in a position of influence within an existing organization 
  • Committed to growth and ready to undergo an intensive, year-long leadership journey
  • Capable of fully participating in a program conducted in English

Section 1: Who you are

Section 2: Who you are recommending

Section 3: Your Reasons

Important: Next Steps

Upon submission, you will see a "Reference number". Please share it with the individual(s) you are recommending so that he or she can share the number as part of their Stage 1 submission. 

A massive thank you!